Mugen Shinto Ryu Iaijutsu kata
Below is the list of the iai kata which compromise the Mugen Shinto Ryu style. Along with the kata are not translations but images which describe or explain the kata.
Suwari waza:
1. Yoko-gumo horizontal, cloud (flowing between mountains image, kasumi)
2. Usu-zumi – black of calligraphy (charcoal), stroking line, sweeping
3. Yatsu-nami – 8 waves (8 is lucky, waves of attack)
4. Ka-ryu – fire dragon (spiralling up to heaven)
5. Kai-shaku – help to commit harikiri
6. Kasumi – haze/mist -> cloud movement
7. Uke-nagashi – receive without stopping
8. Tsuki-kage – alignment of moon to shadow is straight, partner’s sword is moon, I enter shadow
9. Tsuke-komi – attack weak point using most rapid/simple movement
10. Zan-getsu – mountain, moon; moon appears behind mountain
11. Tama-guruma – precious stone (beautiful, expensive), big wheel
12. Nuki-uchi – simple, fast cut
13. Itoma-goi – say goodbye manner, make partner loose attention
Handachi waza:
1. Rai-otoshi – thunder strike
2. Hagai-gaeshi – like a bird flapping wings (for take off)
3. Tai-ryu – big dragon
4. Shinobi-gaeshi – patient cut
5. Yoko-ichimonji – foot/leg form is one line, sword is one line (parallel)
6. Shime-guruma – kill and bleed out (shime), big wheel for shimeru
7. Chidori-gaeshi – bird, walk like drunk. Foot work is same as chidori
8. Konoha-otoshi – falling leaf, otoshi… small wind, but leave falls
9. Sui-ryu – water stream
10. Toride-gaeshi – grab hand, cut
11. Mai-chou – flying, butterfly
Tachi waza:
1. Ran-ka – suddenly change (live revolution), flower
2. Oki-tsunami – far away (in the sea) tsunami. Tsunami comes from far away.
3. Oi-uchi – chase and cut
4. Shigoki-taoshi – body attach (body check), take down
5. Tsurube-otoshi – letting go of a water pale in a well, when sun goes down fast, dropping quickly
6. Uneri-gaeshi – soft but strong (flow/flip)
7. Shigure-otoshi – sudden downpour
8. Kuruma-giri – big wheel cut
9. Kosode-otoshi – forearm cut
10. Taka-no-tsume – elbow grab (like a hawk on a rabbit)
11. Uki-fune – floating ship
12. Yo-arashi – strong wind and rain at night
13. Jumoku-daoshi – turn over a big piece of wood
14. Un-ryu – cloud dragon
15. Jo-utou – love** sword (love for mankind, cherish life), to teach a lesson